Өргөөгийн гудамжны автозамын хөдөлгөөнийг нээлээ

Нийслэлийн Баянгол дүүрэг, 13 дугаар хороо Өргөөгийн гудамжны авто замын шинэчлэлтийн ажил дуусчээ. Дээрх ажлын хүрээнд 408 у/м эгнээ тусгаарлах хашлага, 430 у/м авто замын хуучин хашлага шинэчлэлт, тэмдэг тэмдэглэгээ, 4800м2 тэгшилгээ болон хучилтын ажлууд бүрэн хийгджээ. Үргэлжлүүлэн 170 м2 газарт явган хүний шинэ зам  болон хуучин явган замын шинэчлэлийн ажлууд хийх юм.

1 сэтгэгдэл

  1. Virtuoso column. I’m just learning to write papers like this. While I restudy the essays of other authors because I am interested in how others write, what mistakes others make, what is good about the essays of other penmen, what is common in them – that is, these are aspects that I will definitely have to preserve in my compositions. I learn the styles of scribes, see what kind of tricks they have and try to understand my trick.As you already understood, I have been researching the question for a long time – how to write a good essay and here are the rules I made for myself:1 – You don’t need to be an expert to write a good article Don’t be afraid to write about topics you don’t understand. For example, if you do not understand a certain topic, but nevertheless, you want to write something like this essay on the https://www.3ptechies.com/chrome-extensions-for-students.html, you can just find several similar compositions, figure it out and write your own. A couple of superficial essays are enough to get a general idea of plastic windows, tax optimization or the treatment of bowel diseases. Let them not be written by experts, but by educated budding authors.2 – Unique text full of stamps – perfect!If you don’t know what to write at all, copy from someone else. For example, you want to write an composition on the same topic as this article on the https://folkfests.org/5-aspects-to-pay-attention-to-when-looking-for-a-fast-essay-writer/, then you can just take and rewrite this composition .Perhaps this someone also copied from someone else, but it does not matter (in fact, everyone does this, did you know?). If the singleness is 100, no one will prove that this is plagiarism.3 – write in smart language Down with primitive and simple language! If you want to get the same favorite article as this composition on the website, then you should abandon the primitive writing of texts. Use more complex expressions in the essay . From the entire list of synonyms, choose the most intricate ones, and let the proposals be more authentic. After all, your readers (and you too) are smart people, right?These are the three tips I can give myself and other aspiring writers.

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